Zen Zappers: Crushing Overwhelm, Crafting Time

Episode Summary

Last week, we delved into the whirlwind of busyness. Today, we're all about reclaiming your time and creating space in your life. And guess what? The secret to this magical transformation is a simple but powerful one: STOP MULTI-TASKING.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we'll dive deep into the art of time management and reveal how you can choreograph your time like a pro. It's not just about professional work; we'll also show you how to apply these principles to your personal life.

Here's your homework for this week:

  1. First things first, take a moment to review your calendar. Make sure everything is in order and up to date.
  2. Then, grab your trusty notebook, and get ready for a brain dump session. Write down everything you have to do in the upcoming week, both on the work front and in your personal life.
  3. Now, here comes the fun part. Start prioritizing those tasks, day by day. We'll guide you through the process to make sure you're allocating your time wisely and efficiently.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a clear blueprint for managing your time, reducing overwhelm, and gaining more control over your life. So, tune in, take notes, and let's unlock the power of intentional timeblocking together!

Example of how I block block!

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